Monday, August 25, 2014

Kindergarten and 3rd Grade-Week 2 Our Solar System

2nd Lab Session Week
We will be spending the week learning about planets, how they rotate while they orbit the Sun, their moons, and other bodies in our solar system.

Concept: The Night Sky
Class Reading: Read pgs 180-184 & 206-209.
Investigation: What objects do you see in the night sky?

  •  “My very eager mother just sent us nine pizzas.” 
  • Vocabulary
  1. planets
  2. asteroids
  3. dwarf planets
  4. comets
  5. orbit
  6. rotate

4d. Students know that Earth is one of several planets that orbit the Sun and that the Moon orbits Earth.
4c. Students know telescopes magnify the appearance of some distant objects in the sky, including the Moon and the planets. The number of stars that can be seen through telescopes is dramatically greater than the number that can be seen by the unaided eye.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Extra Credit for 3rd Grade and Kindergarten at the Griffith Observatory

Get an extra credit point by going to the Griffith Observatory!

Want more information about the Griffith Observatory? Click here!

How can you get extra credit?

Take a picture with Albert Einstein and email the picture

Kindergarten-Week 1 Sun, Earth and Moon

1st Lab Week
Concept: Sun, Earth, and Moon

Objective: Students will learn that the Sun heats the Earth.


Question of the Week:
•Who gives the Earth light and heat? video of the week: The Sun


The Earth orbiting the Sun and the Moon orbiting the Earth.

Welcome to Earth Science

Mr. Gantt’s Earth Science Lab Policies

Dear Parents and Students,

            Over the next few months, students will be studying about the Earth and the weather around it. Students will attend Earth Science Lab 1 day a week for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

            Student achievement grades are based on weekly class work, questioning during lab investigations and homework. Effort grades will be based on participation in class and turning in homework on time.

            If you have any questions, or concerns, please contact me through the main office or by email at


Mr. Gantt

Earth Science Lab Wish List
Cleaning Wipes
ZipLoc bags (gallon or sandwich bag size)
Box of tissue
Paper towels
Bring in Box Top$ for Education to help raise money for our school!

3rd Grade-Week 1 The Movement of the Sun

1st Lab Session Week
Hopefully we get sunny  and clear weather the entire week to study the Sun's movement outside and trace shadows.

Concept: The Movement of the Sun
Investigation: How and why does the Sun move across our sky?
Homework: Get parent letter signed.

  • Vocabulary
1.    Sun
2.    Rotate
3.    Orbit
4.    Cardinal directions-north, south, east, west
5.    Shadow
6.    Compass

  • Brain “Sun”
  • Where's the Sun?
  • Trace shadows 

Welcome to Earth Science

Mr. Gantt’s Earth Science Lab Policies
3rd Grade

Dear Parents and Students,

            Over the next few months, students will be studying about planets, the moon, and stars. Students will attend Earth Science Lab 1 day a week for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

            Student grades are based on weekly class work, two quizzes, questioning during lab investigations, participation in class and homework assignments.

            Students will be assigned Science Lab homework assignments, and they are due at the next lab session. If students are absent, they still must complete the homework assignments.

            If you have any questions, or concerns, you may contact me through the main office or by email at


Mr. Gantt

Earth Science Lab Wish List
Cleaning Wipes
Box of tissue